Bionic Buzz® covered Holiday Matsuri convention at the Marriott World Center Orlando in Florida. HolMat, is an American multigenre convention that caters primarily to the anime, video gaming, science fiction, and cosplay communities. The convention, which bills itself as a “festively themed” seasonal event that features vendors, celebrities, panels, card games, artist alley, interactive booths, cosplay meet ups, and more.

There we got to interview artist Ginni Ghost. She is one half of the artist couple Ginni Ghost and Kayla Bugs who runs the Ghost Bug Shop. They are Orlando locals who have been vending Florida markets and conventions since 2019. Their art celebrates queer love, vivid color palettes, and nostalgia. If you’re nerdy, gay, or a cryptid looking for some art to fill your life, you’ve come to the right place!


Video & interview by Steve Sievers of Bionic Buzz.