Analogue Plus manufactures/distributes sports equipment, starting with bicycle helmets, through the brand CRNK.

CRNK has established itself as Korea’s No.1 bicycle helmet with various designs, premium quality, and reasonable prices.  In 2022, we went one step further and developed a helmet that can communicate conveniently and a helmet with freely adjustable LEDs by fusion of helmet and IT technology.

They make various bike helmets that excel in crucial categories for helmets such as safety, air circulation, weight, fitness, cost efficiency and design. There are man things to consider and many us us end up selecting a popular brand helmet that is expensive. CRNK makes top quality helmets using the same materials as those expensive brands but it is a lot cheaper and versatile. CRNK does not charge an “brand fee,” which is the reason why those brand helmets are expensive. While excelling in all categories that a top-quality helmet require, CRNK suggests every consumer a reasonable price. Recognized those strengths populary, it has achieved remarkable growth in Asia.

Not only regular helmets, but also smart helmet is one of their professional field. It has already released the smart helmet with built-in Bluetooth function which let riders comfortably utilize multiple functions such as call, music, navigation. Also they are devoting themselves to develop more advance smart helmet by converging cutting-edge IT technology.

Analogue Plus will be at CES 2022 at Booth 51533 inside the Venetian, Tech West during the convention.