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15 05, 2018

Neurogaming- Exit Reality Interview at VRLA Expo

By |2018-05-15T23:39:36+00:00May 15th, 2018|VR, VRLA Expo|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the 2018 VRLA Expo. At the Neurogaming- Exit Reality booth we got to do a sit down interview with Alexey Morozov CMO of Neur ogaming and Yoni Koenig co-founder of Exit Reality. Neurogaming is set to become a global location-based VR entertainment provider. We are an ecosystem [...]

15 05, 2018

VR Massage by CutMod at VRLA Expo 2018

By |2018-05-15T07:25:05+00:00May 15th, 2018|VR, VRLA Expo|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the 2018 VRLA Expo. At the CutMod booth you were able to get a VR massage. Afterwards we got to interview Will Michaelsen who is a digital media artist and technologist at CutMod about where he got the idea for it and what the future holds for [...]

13 05, 2018

VR Pet Dragons at Beast Pets Booth at VRLA Expo

By |2018-05-13T19:45:15+00:00May 13th, 2018|VR, VRLA Expo|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the 2018 VRLA Expo. At the Beast Pets booth we got to play fetch and get some dragon cuddles in VR. Each dragon has its own personality. Don't have a VR setup at home? You can play Beast Pets in VR Arcades all over North America! Check [...]

13 05, 2018


By |2018-05-13T18:45:04+00:00May 13th, 2018|Tech, VR, VRLA Expo|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the 2018 VRLA Expo. There we stopped by the Sandalbay Discovery booth to interview the founder of VRDrones.Live Neil Malhotra. Put on your VR headset from the comfort of your home, enter a virtual cockpit, and start your adventure piloting a real drone located in amazing, remote [...]

9 05, 2018

Speak of the Devil: Interactive Horror VR

By |2018-05-09T02:04:03+00:00May 9th, 2018|Horror, VR, VRLA Expo|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the 2018 VRLA Expo. There we stopped by the very popular Light Sail VR booth that was showing off their latest Speak of the Devil. It is a live-action horror narrative that fuses cinematic visuals with game-engine based interactivity. That's right! You are in a horror movie [...]

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