¡Las Sandinistas! reveals the untold stories of Nicaraguan women warriors and social revolutionaries who shattered barriers to lead combat and social reform during Nicaragua’s 1979 Sandinista Revolution, the ensuing US-backed Contra War, and documents their leadership in the continuing struggle for justice today. The film reveals a magical moment in world history when thousands of female rebel fighters transformed society’s definition of womanhood and leadership.

Nicaraguan women from every social class fought on the front lines on an unprecedented scale in the Sandinista rebel army, and after the defeat of the brutal Somoza dictatorship, these same women pioneered groundbreaking nationwide medical, social, and education programs. Today, as the current Sandinista government is erasing these women’s stories of heroism, social reform, and military accomplishments, these same women are fighting to reclaim their history – and are once again leading inspiring popular movements for equality and democracy. Opening in LA: Fri, March 15 at Laemmle Monica Film Centers.