Bionic Buzz® got to interview Kamila Tarabura the director of the short film INTO THE NIGHT (Poland). Synopsis: Krysia, a teenage girl, leaves her home for the first time in weeks after her mother invited her to a party. She does not want to be there, but she always does what others tell her to do. At the party, she runs into Majka. The two girls slip away and set off on a journey that takes on a dizzying pace. The emotionally wounded Majka tests how far she can explore the limits of her sexuality, while Krysia does everything she can to guess her secret. Will this new friendship heal Krysia?

It won best Live Action Short at the 36th annual Warsaw International Film Festival last October. We talked to Kamila about how she became a filmmaker, audience reactions to the film, working with her leading actress Agnieszka Rajda, methods she using for directing, and more!

Coming of Age Story | LGBTQ-themed INTO THE NIGHT. Connect: