Phat Collectibles (a toy & comic book chain in Orange County CA) hosted a private screening of Deadpool the movie with comic book character creator Rob Liefeld last night in Buena Park, CA. Comic Book fans, passionate about comic book movies, who bought tickets at the store were lucky enough to attend the sold out event.
The event featured Rob Liefeld talking to the audience about the movie & how he created the comic book character. Attendees were also treated to a photo with him, signed comic book & poster, raffle prizes and of course the movie. It was a great event and I was lucky enough to win a signed Deadpool toy figure in the raffle.
The movie was insanely fun. I already want to see it again. GO SEE IT! Just warning you that the movie is rated R for a big reason, lots of nudity, crazy violence, and tons of potty mouth. Finally we get a true Deadpool comic book on the big screen. I highly advise parents to not take young children to this movie. If you see the movie, please stay through the credits for two scenes. Rob Liefeld was very gracious talking about how Fox studio actually kept him in the loop when working on the film. He also has a brief cameo in the film so keep your eyes out for it. When coming up for the character of Deadpool he talked about his influences of Spider-man, Bobba Fett, and 1998 film Twins staring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. I know you must be asking… TWINS? Rob explained that in the movie when creating the Twins the doctors got it right with Arnold’s character and all the things that went wrong went into Danny’s character. So in Weapon X, they got it right with Wolverine but got it wrong with Deadpool. So that’s why Deadpool’s skin is so messed up. Rob Liefeld was jealous of his other comic book artists who were able to draw Spiderman so much faster then his comic book creation Cable. So that’s a big reason why Deadpool looks similar to Spiderman. When pitching it to Marvel, he said Deadpool was Spiderman with guns & swords and talks smack like Spiderman but more adult humor.

Rob talked about his obsession and passion about Star Wars Boba Fett character growing up as kid. Thought Boba was so cool as a bounty hunter and went into making Deadpool a bounty hunter.

Another one of my passions is dressing up or cosplay. My friend and I organized a photo at the screening with everyone else that attended the screening. Rob Liefeld was nice enough to photo bomb it and stay for a couple hours after the screening to take photos with everyone. I dressed up as a mash up Deadpool / Kylo Ren from Star Wars. Since Deadpool has two swords, I had two light sabers. Fox’s next comic book movie is X-men Apocalypse May 27th