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CES 2019

13 01, 2019

VARRAM at CES 2019

By |2019-01-13T00:41:11+00:00January 13th, 2019|CES, Pets, Tech|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the CES 2019. There we stopped by the VARRAM booth to learn about their robottoy for your dog or cat.The robot plays with your pet while you are gone and can also give them treats. They currently have a kickstarter for it at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/varram/a-smart-robot-for-your-pet-varram By @SteveSievers [...]

12 01, 2019

Robolink’s Zümi at CES 2019

By |2019-01-13T07:01:54+00:00January 12th, 2019|CES, Tech, Toys|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the CES 2019. There we stopped by the Robolink's booth to learn about their Zümi. It is a friendly & approachable robot that makes the exciting world of artificial intelligence and self-driving cars accessible. Currently a kickstater for Zümi at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/robolink/driving-into-the-world-of-ai-zumi By @SteveSievers [...]

12 01, 2019

Hoversurf’s Hoverbike at CES 2019

By |2019-01-12T20:03:46+00:00January 12th, 2019|CES, Drones, Tech|0 Comments

At CES we stopped by Hoversurf booth to learn about their S3 2029 Hoverbike. It can fly up to 40 minutes in drone mode. The actual flight time with the pilot depends on its weight and can be from 10 - 30 minutes. Quick charge for 2.5 hours without removing the batteries. [...]

12 01, 2019

Retro-Bit Gaming at CES 2019

By |2019-01-12T08:23:03+00:00January 12th, 2019|CES, Video Games|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the CES 2019. There we stopped by the Retro-Bit Gaming booth to learn about their Super Retro-Cade Plug and Play Console and Metalstorm NES collectors edition. Check out our interview along with photos from their booth. http://retro-bit.com/ By @SteveSievers [...]

12 01, 2019

My Arcade Gaming’s Retro Champ at CES 2019

By |2019-01-12T08:10:05+00:00January 12th, 2019|CES, Video Games|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the CES 2019. There we stopped by the My Arcade Gaming booth for an interview & to learn about their The Retro Champ. This new console includes a built-in 7" screen that allows for portable play with 3-5 hours of playtime via the built-in rechargeable battery. You [...]

12 01, 2019

BrainCo Interview / Presentation at CES 2019

By |2019-01-12T05:25:18+00:00January 12th, 2019|CES, Tech, Video Games|0 Comments

Bionic Buzz® got to cover the CES 2019. There we stopped by the BrainCo booth for an interview & participate in their presentation. Brain technology is the future. Imagine controlling a video game with your mind. A robot. A house. Or teachers can study their students mind behavior during class. More info [...]

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